“The elated fase of manic depressive psychosis is essentially the opposite of the depressed one. The patient describes his mood as ‘top notch’,’happy’, and he says, ‘I’ve never felt better in my life’. When interfered with he shows undue irritability and anger. He is over active and over talkative. The ideas come so rapidly that he jumps from one topic to the other. Distractability is a common feature. Many maniacs talk in rhyme or they pun for hours on end. Grandiose delusions are often expressed. Judgement is so poor that manic may go on spending sprees, pass bad checks, or drink alcohol to excess. Sexual desire is increased, which fact coupled with poor judgement may lead to escapades and the contraction of a venereal disease or illegitimate pregnancies. The patient, with bizarre manifestations, may decorate himself with medals, buttons, feathers, pins or rags. He may be noisy and shout. He may injure himself. But if he does, he pays no attention to the injury. Sleep is poor and has no definite pattern, and he is usually too busy to bother with eating. These factors and the over activity lead to loss of weight. In extreme cases of manic excitement, the patient may be so active and excitable as to talk incoherently and to be disoriented. There is danger of physical exhaustion. Hallucinations support the grandiose delusions.” Well, there you have it. I’m a manic depressive with grand illusions.”
The Devil And Daniel Johnston